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The $NEOS Token

The keystone of decentralized discovery, fueling humanity’s next great leap in science and innovation.

Built onBase ChainBase Chain

NEOS Tokenomics Overview

There are four categories to apply for a Node whitelist under, depending on where you as an early community member best add value in. You can apply in multiple categories as well.

40% Float on TGE

40% Float on TGE

Help to strenghten the Neos community by interacting with other members and answering questions.

Initial Market Cap: $26m

Initial Market Cap: $26m

Help to strenghten the Neos community by interacting with other members and answering questions.

30% Airdrop to Nodes

30% Airdrop to Nodes

Help to strenghten the Neos community by interacting with other members and answering questions.

12mo Cliff for Team & Pre-sale

12mo Cliff for Team & Pre-sale

Help to strenghten the Neos community by interacting with other members and answering questions.

5 Year Vesting

5 Year Vesting

Help to strenghten the Neos community by interacting with other members and answering questions.

Total Supply: 314m NEOS

Total Supply: 314m NEOS

Help to strenghten the Neos community by interacting with other members and answering questions.



Emission Schedule



Solving Humanity's Hardest Problems

Neos is a decentralized research network that incentivizes humans and AI to solve RIPs (research interest points) Through Proof of Research.




Solving Humanity's Hardest Problems

©Neos Labs Inc.